Saturday, April 01, 2006

What did you say?

I bought some new clothes today. One pair of jeans and one pair of pants. I guess the jeans are pants too, if you want to get technical. How about one pair of jeans and one pair of 300 thread count grey cotton twill trousers? I guess the jeans are trousers too. I digress. If my pantalon shopping doesn't interest you, maybe the fact that the jeans came with earplugs will. Still not interested? How about the fact that I have the ear plugs in right now as I type this?

It is such a weird feeling, not being able to hear. I am sitting on the couch in a very peaceful silence. My apartment could be burglarized as we speak and as long as the bandit didn't walk in front of me I would have no clue. Okay, now I freaked out. These things must leave my ears immediately. Why did my pants come with them anyway?

If you too would like a pair of pants/jeans/pantalon that come with earplugs, the brand is:


Anonymous said...

They come with earplugs so that you won't hear me calling you a homo for telling me your pant's threadcount.

pity_meals said...

Can I borrow those while my mom is staying with me? She snores