Monday, April 24, 2006

Everything I learned in New Jersey

Well, not everything ever, but everything I learned on this specific trip:
1. Every house in New Jersey has aluminum siding. Even the ones you think don't, do.
2. The only place to have breakfast in the state is a diner.
3. White Castle is evil.
4. The Fireplace's steak sandwich is amazing.
5. Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge for pizza is only a good idea if you have a ride back.
6. My mom wants to enjoy her life.
7. My mom has enjoyed her life so far and I quote "Because I was alive."
8. My childhood toys steal money from my wallet.
9. According to the New York Times, Hillsdale is number 49 on the top 100 towns in New Jersey.
10. I can only block so much out.

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