Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Yo Joe

Maybe this week's blog theme should be dreams. I had another great one last night. As much as I tried, this dream did not include Jennifer Aniston. I saw her on TV last night and felt a pain in my heart. Oh Jennifer, why can't we be together? If not here, how about in heaven? Kidding!!! I am no stalker. At least not anymore. On to the dream.

I went to visit Sybil, as I plan to do in real life next week. At her house she broke the news to me, my childhood home was to be sold. Out of all my friends I am one of a few who still have a house in my hometown. My mom is keeping the dream alive, I guess. Well, in this twisted dream world, she finally decided to sell. There is nothing too weird about that. It is a big house and my mother has lived there alone for a long time. There is no need for her to keep it anymore. Here is the strange part: she decided to sell it with all the contents intact. Now, I know people sell homes with the furniture, but most people would take their personal effects out of said furniture. Last thing I want is to buy some guy’s house and find all his tightie whities stacked in the linen closet. I had a screaming match with dear old mom regarding her rash decision. “How can you sell the house without even opening a drawer to make sure nothing important is left behind?” I screamed. I finally got my point across when I opened my bedroom closet displaying the toys of my youth. The light grew bright in Sybil's head when she saw my 1982 G.I.Joe Wolverine. For some reason, the very site of this little tank made her realize the error of her ways. She called the real-estate broker to try and cancel the deal. No dice!! I was forced to grab as much stuff as I could before the new owners showed up.

The funny thing about this dream is my mother is a crazy packrat. She insists that every minute item has a purpose, causing her to not be able throw anything away. The mere idea of this dream would be the ultimate nightmare for her. Maybe when I go visit, a certain collection of Real American Heroes will have to be taken out and put on display.


Anonymous said...

crazy crazy stalker ...

Anonymous said...

Damn, looking at that thing makes me think of how hot Scarlett (aka Covergirl) was. I used to imagine her and Lady J involved in erotic lesbian scenerios while Shipwreck's parrot watched.

Barry said...

As I agree with the hottness of what you described I must correct you. Covergirl, who came with the wolverine, is a seperate character from Scarlett. Now throwing all three into the mix would be some hot plastic. Please get your useless trivia correct.

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected, and even more aroused. You know flint used to hit like, all three of them. Lucky bastard.

Barry said...

I think Flint was nailing Lady Jay which by the way is an awesome name for a character. Isn't that the name of a portable toilet sold at Campmor? I would like to use her as my own personal Lady Jay, but only if she was real. If she was a toy that would be stupid.

Oh and Snake Eyes use to hit Scarlett. I think Covergirl was single though.

Anonymous said...

I always suspected a little brokeback grunt action between snake eyes and duke, actually.


Barry said...

You know Snake Eyes is unable to speak because of a helicpoter accident. He would be the perfect choice. Don't ask. Don't tell.

8675309 said...

I believe it was my own dear mother, quite the opposite of yours, who gave away all my Joes (I had all of the above named ladies plus a few select gentlemen, my favorite being Torpedo) when I went away to college.

But what really hurt was the vintage Star Wars figures. My pristine little Amanaman could've fetched me about 300 bucks a few years back had he not ended up in the malevolent clutches of the chubby neighbor kid.

Knowing is half the battle...the other half is protecting your crap from the Empty Nest Monster.

Barry said...

You need a brother like mine who bought me a vintage millenium falcon for the 30th birthday. Can you say retirement fund? Han Solo can.