Thursday, April 20, 2006

Impulse Control

I spent a good portion of yesterday sitting in a German Beer hall in Alphabet City. My friends and I had a table outside, and the weather was just right for a lazy cocktail filled afternoon. Like most German beer halls, this place was all about large steins of hopps. After three or four wheat beers I was feeling pretty well lit. Between beer three and four would have been a perfect time to go home. Sadly, I did not. Due to circumstances beyond my control the following items were on our table: beer, paper coasters, cigarettes, and one white Bic lighter. Can you see where this is going? I couldn't stop myself from playing with the lighter. At first I would just flick it and stare at the flame. Once I got bored with this, my natural progression was to light the coasters on fire. Here I am sitting at a respectable establishment on the lower east side, with a bonfire roaring at my table. I haven't accomplished such jackassery in a long time. I am not sure what I was thinking or not thinking. Luckily our waitress thought nothing of my shenanigans. She only asked me to extinguish the fire once the smoke started to carry into the indoor section of the restaurant. Good service I tell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Revenge of the Hebrews!