Seth Green is a genius. I was born in '75 and I was a snot nosed little kid during most of the '80s. I say most of the '80s because I really think I came into my own in '87. Regardless of my delusions of grandeur, (I still haven't come into my own)due to my luck of when I actually came out of the womb, I was fortunate enough to have some of the greatest toys of all time. There were the Mego dolls, the original Star Wars figures, G.I.Joe
A Real American Hero, Transformers, He-Man, Teddy Ruxpin, and My Little Pony. You think I am joking about that last one? These toys rocked. I can remember playing with my G.I.Joe collection for hours on end until I passed out on the royal blue shag carpeting in my bedroom.

This all leads me to the point of how Seth Green is a genius. There is this show on the Cartoon Network called
'Robot Chicken'. Long story short it is a stop animation show that primarily uses all the toys I listed above. The great thing about the show is that the toys are used in the most random situations. For example, there is an episode where Optimus Prime gets prostate cancer. There is also an episode where we see a day in the life of Cobra. Some people may be wondering what the hell I am talking about right now, but I don't care. If you are between the ages of 25 to 35, you will understand all too well.
I realize that just because a person creates a show using their favorite childhood toys and stop animation does not make them a genius. What makes Seth Green brilliant is the fact that he had the DVD launch party for show at the Playboy mansion. I think this pretty much speaks for itself. Can you name one guy out there who wouldn't want to play with a Mego Batman doll while he mingles with Miss August 2004? I didn’t think so!
Living the dream!!!!
You know...I had a Seth Green Action Figure.
That is just sad!
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