A wise china-men, or at the very least he was Chinese, no proof he was wise, once said to me that when you are on vacation you should eat like an animal. I tried to tell him that my trip to Colorado was to care for my sick dog and not a vacation, but he refused to accept that as an excuse to not eat like a fat mid westerner on a work trip in Fort Lauderdale. With his sage advice I found myself at the
Charco Broiler in Fort Collins tonight. I had grand hopes of eating until I was stuffed but alas I found a black hair in the butter dish. I guess I could have picked it out and buttered the warm bread on the table but that's not how I roll. I still managed to eat onion soup, a NY strip, and garlic scallion bacon mashed potatoes* while my dog waiting patiently in the car. I told him, "I know you had a rough day in the cancer ward, but daddy has to eat." I am not all bad, I took him for an A&W root beer float after dinner so we both could wash away the sorrows. Yes I equate my bad meal to his radiation treatment. We all go through things in our own way.
I would kill for my dog
*Terrible combo
1 comment:
Snoopy used to drown his sorrows in Root Beer too...
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