Thursday, July 23, 2009

Racial Injustice

I apologize for the time delay between posts but I have a good excuse. I just got out of jail. Yesterday when I got home from work I realized I left my house keys on my desk. I really didn't want to drive all the way back to my office so I decided to jimmy the lock. Next thing I know, two police officers are telling me to freeze. Even after I showed them my driver's license with my home address on it they put the cuffs on me. I am 100% positive that it had to do with my race. There is no way they didn't take one look at my nose and frizzy hair and know that I didn't belong in Hermosa Beach. They cited me for disorderly conduct, but I know there was more to it then that. When are people going to realize, times are changing and even Jews want to live by the water.

I am currently talking to my lawyer about legal options. This never would have happened if Lieberman was in the White House.

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