I was surprised as anyone to be asked to speak at Michael Jackson's funeral tomorrow. It is especially shocking as the topic I was asked to converse on was how I believe Michael Jackson still ate pussy when his skin was a dark shade of brown. I wrote a thesis on this very topic for my statistics class. You see, as the color of his skin lightened I believe you can graph out how his desire for the fairer sex weaned. It is all very scientific and you can learn more tomorrow at the Staples Center. I go on after John Mayer.

*Might have gone too far
Be sure to wear the digital watch that plays Beat It.
It is 10:15 and I haven't gotten the call to perform Eat it Yet. I guess I am going to have to wait for Madonna to die so I can perform Like a Surgeon at your memorial. She owes me at least that.
Is there any chance MJ was buried without his brain? I read it some where that his brain is going through some tests. I wonder if it will end up in a jar with electrodes coming out of it. Turn on a battery and it goes "Eeee heeee"
Fun Fact: Michael Jackson played the Scarecrow in the movie The Wiz
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