Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I feel like a Palestinian

I found out my boss is interviewing people for my job. Wait a second, why would she need to hire someone to do my job if I am doing it? Wait, wait, now I get it. It's days like these that really makes me want to strap on some C4, rusty nails, and a 9 volt battery and liberate myself from my corporate oppressors. My cube walls remind me of the wall in the west bank. I think my family gets 25k from Iraq if I blow up the office. I love the idea of trying to compare office politics to the conflict in the Middle East.

On a serious note I hope that meeting I have with the Venture Capitalist* pans out. I really think that transmission idea could make me rich.

*Still no meeting with a venture capitalist

1 comment:

Arnold Silverman said...

I became an evangelical Christian while visiting the Holy Land, so I sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians. My other fond memory of my trip to Jerusalem was during my first night in the city, at the King David Hotel, where Aunt Ruthie blew my shofar. Her face looked like cole slaw when I finished.