Friday, February 03, 2006

Honda updates Accord after sixteen years!

So my title might be a bit misleading. It is a joke about the fact that my mother has finally replaced her 1990 Honda Accord coupe with a 2006 Honda Accord Sedan. I was a sophomore in high school the last time Sybil haggled on the price of a automobile. Don't get me wrong, the 90 Accord was a great car. I just can not believe my age has doubled while my mom has been cruising around in that thing. It is the end of an era. Lets hope the new ride can be as sweet as the old.

Memorable moments in the Accord:
-Being driven to high school by my brother when he was 17
-First speeding ticket
-First time I hit 120 mph (Don't tell Sybil)
-First accident, hit the side of my girlfriend's house (Don't tell Sybil)

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