Friday, February 10, 2006

Don't feed the Mogwai after midnight

I have been told not to feed a Mogwai after midnight. I have been told not to eat for an hour before swimming. I have even been told to eat slower, but the one thing I have never been told is not to eat Indian food after 9 p.m. I got a late start on dinner last night due to the combination of an after work nap and having to wait for someone who isn't into eating the second they leave work like I am.

Now I really have no reason to complain. It was totally up to me where we ate. I just didn't take the time of the meal into consideration when I insisted we eat Indian food. I am not sure if it was the chicken corma or the 5 iced chai lattes that I had, but I have never had a worse night's sleep. I honestly was convinced that it was only a matter of time before I turned into Stripe. I think I just sweat out the last of the raita.

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