Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It only took three weeks to make me unemployable

As I have mentioned before I like to interview so that I know I am still wanted, at least by a few people…poor, poor self-esteem. A recruiter called me yesterday to see if I would be interested in doing a phone interview with some local financial company. I had no interest in the job, but when it comes to making myself feel important, I can never waste enough time. The recruiter gave me the typical nonsense about answering questions positively, blah, blah, blah. One key thing the recruiter mentioned was that I should research the company because the interviewer would definitely ask what I knew about the company and why I wanted to work for them. I listened to the recruiter but all I could think was, she must think I am a dumb ass.

Anyway, the interview was this morning. Can you guess the first question?
"So what can you tell me about our company?"
I am not sure what went through my head but I drew a complete blank.
"I am sorry but your website was down when I tried to do research last night."

Do you think I will have a second interview?

It only took me three weeks to go completely brain dead.


Anonymous said...

are you shitting me?
write down some notes beforehand and show up to your interview with a notepad.

Barry said...

It was a phone interview for a job I had no interest in. Give me a break!