Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ryan Seacrest needs to go

I don't care where he goes, but he needs to do everyone a favor and kill himself. I was driving down the 405 today when I caught a little bit of his morning radio routine. Yeah, I like to listen to pop music. Big deal. My gayness is not on trial here. The point is Ryan Seacrest had some teenager on the air and they were talking about BFFs and BFMs. I was so dumbfounded by the fact that Ryan Seacrest is allowed on the radio that I wrote down BFM so I could look it up when I got home. All I could find was:


Brute Force and Massive Ignorance: The state pursued by a person who has lost all semblance of working through a problem with logic and ingenuity.

I don't think that suitcase will close. Well, if you can't arrange it so it will close properly, use B.F.M.I. (i.e., jam it until it works)!

Do you think that was what they were talking about?

1 comment:

Your Girl Friday said...

I have no idea, by Ryan Seacrest is a closet poof.

I have always said it.

Just waiting until Teri Hatcher wakes up.

It will be funny.