Monday, August 21, 2006

It is time for me to become Catholic

I think the Pope is on to something.


pity_meals said...

We use the time to feel guilty about not working. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the reporter tasked with writing the story failed to follow up afterwards.

The Pope then went out to lunch with Jack Welch, another proponent of the 40-hour-or-less week, and they followed that up with 18 holes at the Vatican golf course.

After short pleasantries, the Pope shook the former CEO's hand, winked at him, and said "Let's do lunch again, babe. Call me!"

Afterwards, the entourages for both men worked deep into the night to prepare for the possibility of another power lunch between the two captains of industry...

Being a recovering Catholic, I can tell you this: In order to make sweeping statements like the Pontiff has, you must first speak from a position of power. You will have to find time between posts in two blogs to build an entourage.

I wish you Godspeed in such endeavor...

Barry said...

Something tells me the Jack Welsh doesn't let his people work a flex 40.

willam said...

plus he rocks those fierce red flats.