Sunday, July 30, 2006

Bridge and Tunnel State of Mind

What summer of Barry would be complete without some traveling? I am on the east coast for a week to see my mom and hang out in the city. Lack of funds and guilt have found me staying in my childhood room. Regardless of my current location, I have some big plans for while I am here. I am not really sure what those plans are yet, but I am sure eating will be involved. There is a beer garden in Queens that I have been wanting to check out. Expect a full write up if I make it to the magical land where beer is grown in the same dirt as tomatoes and corn.

There is a good chance of me buying a video camera on this trip. I think what this blog lacks is moving pictures. It isn't enough for me to describe the mundane minutiae of my day with great detail, I think seeing it will be much more effective. There is a possibility that my hamburger nose will not translate well to film. If that is the case I think I will start auditioning people to play me in the ongoing story of my life. It will be much easier that way with far less legal consequences.

By the way when I was doing a search for beer garden images, I found this site. Viva la Internet!


Anonymous said...

I've been (im)patiently waiting for a new entry and bingo there it is! Very may not have left the heat in L.A. but at least now you are in air conditioning. Have fun!!

Anonymous said...

I think you should talk to Zach Braff to play your part...

Barry said...

Zach Braff would be the obvious choice. How about someone like Mr T?

Anonymous said...

Better yet...SAMUEL L. JACKSON!