A. Bob kept coming in late.
B. Mike made too many long distance calls.
C. Frank failed a drug test for cocaine.
D. Susie was on the Internet all day long.
E. John got ticked-off and gave an Indian co-worker a beat down.
If you picked (C) and (E) you deserve a prize. More proof people are animals.

hey i work in a place like that and we are not faceless... true thing is kinda hard when u have not a window to look outside... see ya
I was just glad I didn't have to fire the guy who was drooling on his keyboard today...
I heard the account rep took Milton's red stapler on her way out, so who knows if the building will even be there tomorrow...
P.S. Interestingly enough, you, Milton, and I share the same psychological profile. Unfortunately for me, both of you have a far higher IQ than I...
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