Sunday, October 02, 2011

I need her to pick me some horses

So my friend Bruce's mother is in the hospital right now and things haven't been great. She has some serious stuff going on and is a bit confused. She is 91 years old and really ill so I figured I would use a post to talk about the amazing life she has had. Many people don't know that she championed women's suffrage when it wasn't cool, fought for equality not only for minorities but for gays in California as well, and she has remained very active in dog rescue up until this recent hospital stay. Fine, I am lying. None of that is true. She is amazing because two days ago she called Bruce at 6 AM from the hospital and told him to rush right over because she had something important to tell him. When he got there she told him she has a strong feeling Everyone loves Raymond was going to be a hit. I really hope she lives long enough to see that.

I am posting this from my newer blogger app on my phone so I apologize for the errors even though they would be there either way.

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