Saturday, October 22, 2011

The greatest person I ever sent to co-worker heaven

As many of you might be aware I was recently let go from my job. It either had something to do with my twittering about shitting or revenue projections. Regardless, as one would expect I no longer get to see my former co-workers very often . At first I tried to try to go in and pretend I wasn't let go, but I never got past the parking lot security. Who am I kidding, I never got out of bed to even make the half assed attempt to go to my office as a joke. Since I am so lazy and refuse to see people (sent them all to co-worker heaven), the guy I sat across from for years, Peter, left me a birthday gift in my mailbox. I think he did it under cover of night as to not scare me. He knows everyone from work is dead to me if I am not there. Last thing I need is to think I see ghosts.

Now on to the gift. I would have expected a 15 buck gift certificate to Applebee's and if he was feeling generous a card that played the Macarena on a loop, but no he had to blow my mind and make me reevaluate everything and everyone. I had to use my new scanner to show the world Peter's birthday card, or as I like to call it, "Self Esteem Building Blocks For Dummies":

Seriously, there is someone out there who realizes I am wasting my talents more than me. It is sad and touching all at once. He also gave me a book that I have no intention of reading, The War of Art. I have had it four days now and it is a great book. It fits perfectly in my back pocket. So far I have impressed the checkout girl at Pep Boys and my mailman, with the fact that not only do I carry a book with me but it has War in the title.

On a serious note, thanks Peter. I will read the book and hopefully one day you can be my assistant. I plan to frame the card.


Jake said...

Clearly Peter wanted to give you a blowjob for your birthday but figured this would be an acceptable gift instead.... Stay golden Pony-boy

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm in coworker heaven!!! My soul just died a little more. On the bright side, I have new-found love for Peter.

Anonymous said...

Man, I knew you were secretly gay all of this time. It is a touching love note from your secret lover though.

sandy said...

i too am having trouble being in co-worker heaven, not that i doubted i'd be anywhere but there. peter is my hero, though, because let's face it, i would not have been that thoughtful despite all best intentions. he's right, you know.