Monday, March 23, 2009

Is James Spader a Jew?

I have conclusive proof that he is indeed Jewish. I saw him order a tongue sandwich at Greenblatt's Deli yesterday. If that isn't proof his name used to be James Siegelbergwitz, I don't know what is.

I have hated this guy ever since he played Brooke Shield's douchey brother in Endless Love.


Anonymous said...

Now see I personally like him...did he look slimmer than he did at the end of Boston Legal? Please say it's so....

Barry said...

Insanely fat

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What time did you see him?

Barry said...

Who gives a shit what time I saw him. I saw him around 6:30 if it matters.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to have offended you..just wondered cause I was on that block yesterday and thought I may have passed him as well.....

Barry said...

You did not offend me. I just didn't want to be responsbile for his stalking no matter how much I dispise him. Loved when he gets pissed on in Wolf. Okay that sounded gay.

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, why do you dispise him so much because of a character in a movie? I can understand disliking the character, but to dislike an actor because he played a part well is a little odd.

Barry said...

Maybe I am giving him the ultimate compliment. Now stop post under anonymous so I can hate you too.

Anonymous said...

Actually I am a different Anonymous than the first Anonymous. You can hate me as onekey89.

Thanks for explaining. He does have a knack for doing jerks,smarmy yuppy scum and bad guys. He also does a great job with nerdy good guys and good guys in general. He just an all around fine actor.

Barry said...

Who knew James Spader would cause such a debate.

Anonymous said...

His fans are lurking. onekey89

Barry said...

Shit!!! Don't kill me in my sleep and try to blame it on Ducky.

Anonymous said...

Shit!!! Don't kill me in my sleep and try to blame it on Ducky.

You're dead! Don't mess with the Spader or his fans. :>))

Barry said...

You can be honest, this is James Spader isn't it? I feel for you I really do.

Randy Sexer said...

You can't say he wasn't great in Alien Hunter. Btw I posted about that pee scene back in '93. Get with the program already.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Spader has won 3 Emmys for his fine performances in Boston Legal. How many Emmys have YOU won, @$$hole??? James Spader is the sexiest man on the planet and absolutely gorgeous. You must be green with envy.

(another) anonymous

Anonymous said...

Why is my brother at war with the English language? Brooke Shields! Not Brooke Shield's. She has no shield (or shields) to guard against countless bad career moves.

p.s. My aunt got the test results. Not good.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is incorrect because her name is Shields not Shield but it was to show ownership of the brother. Speaking of murdering the english language it didn't say brooke's shield.

Randy Sexer said...


Anonymous said...

you only eat a tongue sandwich for two reasons if you are james spader.

1. you were poor growing up and it is comfort food.
2. you are jewish or grew up being fed by jews.

There is no other explanation.

Anonymous said...

Nope, Irish Catholic

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Grown up girl said...

Dear anonymous, You are a sexy pants; anonymous x 3 ÷ ` ♡
P.s., further, I appreciate your keen accumen and application in good literacy. Please carry on, you sexy beast.

Grown up girl said...

So, Anonymous; you state that James Spader is an Irish Catholic? How can he have developed a taste for the deli special mentioned?

Grown up girl said...

... yes and?

Unknown said...

Barry why do u hate him bcc hes jewish?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone really care what faith people follow anymore? I never have. Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Oh and James Spader is a genius on film! Love every thing I have ever seen him in. Raymond Reddington!!!!! Amazing!

Anonymous said...

Have to check the family tree to make sure

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but no Jewish Ancestry at all... He is actually mostly English & has small amounts of Scottish, French, Dutch, German, Swiss-German, Norwegian, Jersey Channel Islander, remote Welsh, Irish, and French Huguenot

Anonymous said...

He also has an unhealthy obsession with EGGS. Hate to tell ya, but he is not Jewish at all. His ethnicity is in fact, mostly English with small amounts of Scottish, French, Dutch, German, Swiss-German, Norwegian, Jersey Channel Islander, remote Welsh, Irish, and French Huguenot