Friday, April 27, 2007

Food for thought

I was watching Family Guy the other day and Cleveland brought up an interesting question. Who would you rather bang, Queen Latifah or Halle Berry, but Halle Berry has been dead for six hours. I am going with Halle Berry but that is besides the point. It got me thinking. Would I rather be a ninja or a jedi. Sure if I am jedi I have mind control powers, but if I am a ninja I am no weak minded fool so what does it matter. Either way I get a cool costume so it is a tie there. I guess I would have to go with jedi just for the light saber. I don't know. I still need to think about this. I will have to put together a pros and cons list. It was much easier thinking about a dead Halle Berry.


Anonymous said...

keep in mind... a ninja can't lift a plane out of muddy water without lifting a finger. you can get a ginsu knives on tv for 9.99. and i think you get an extra set for free at that price. (i'm not sure so double check that). anyhow, i would go for jedi, hands down.

Anonymous said...

Queen Latifah...totally. but it would have to be in full makeup. Me, that is. Not queen latifah.

Anonymous said...

i'd always pick ninja. always. hands (and funny shoes) down, ninjas rule.