Monday, April 23, 2007

Brain is broken

I always enjoy posting my dreams if I can remember them. I am going to be pissed if they are used against me in a court of law.

So at the end of the week, my aunt is having an unveiling for my father at the cemetery. Sadly, it is not an ancient ritual where we dress up in black robes and bring him back to life. I am picturing something along the lines of Pet Cemetery. It is actually a tradition in Judaism where about six months after someone is buried we unveil their tombstone. "Surprise, six months and you are still dead, I think that is a stone anniversery." Due to the enormous amount of depression and the inevitable fighting that would go on between family members I decided to take a pass on going. I figure it's not like he is going anywhere. I can visit another time on my terms. Well that brings us to my dream and what my inner psychce is really thinking.

The dream starts as if my father just died and we have shipped his body to New Jersey for burial. For whatever reason the body was being stored at my mother's house before the actual internment. The worst part is in the dream his body was disassembled for the trip. His coffin was in the basement and his body was upstairs. While this is going on there are about ten welsh terriers running around the house. Every once in awhile one gets stuck behind a wall and lets out a big cry so I have to go break him free. Back to the body, somehow I am in charge of washing him and putting the pieces back together. It is like he is a giant mannequin that needs to be reassembled and dressed for display. I never got past washing the hands. I was too freaked out. Luckily Red Foreman from That 70's show lived with us and said he would take care of it. While he was doing that I was having an early morning beer with Niki Gudex where we discussed the sadness of it all and her race schedule for that summer. Last thing I remember I am getting dressed to go and I am missing the top button of my dress shirt.

Seriously I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe this is jewish guilt, right? Almost worth becoming a gentile, huh?