I have a friend whose mother always complains that her cleaning lady has a better life than her because she goes on vacations. Poor woman! I really feel for her, sitting in her huge house not having to work, while her cleaning lady is enjoying her time off in a motel 6 one block from the Florida State turnpike in Fort Lauderdale. On that note, I am going to say I am jealous of my dog with cancer and his "vacation" in Colorado. I had to leave him in Fort Collins so he could have state of the art radiation treatment at CSU. I left him with a woman who owns a farm that will take him for his treatments over the next month until I pick him up. I honestly thought he would cry himself to sleep every night because I wasn't there. Turns out he is having the time of his life. He spends his days running through the fields, swimming, and going for rides. I imagine his life being very similar to Huckleberry Finn without Nigger Jim*. I even hear he likes to bark at the wind. If he wasn't getting radiation daily I would say why him and not me. Screw it, I will say it anyway. Why him and not me?

*Can't believe I used it
hope hes better barry whats the prognosis
These are the pics you're gonna have to show your kid when she asks "daddy, what happened to Monkey?"
"why, we sent him to live on a farm in Colorado, here are the pictures".
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