As we get older, it's common for a lot of us to wish we could magically go back in time and undo some of our misdoings. Many of us would like to play monday morning quarterback and correct our our blunders or failures. It's human nature.
The problem is, often times our imperfections and mistakes are what make us what we are. Sure we like to revel in our triumphs, but the truth is, our failures often expose our humanity. Seriously, who sits around with their friends and talks about their victories? Only assholes.
A couple years ago, George Lucas decided to turn back the clock, and fuck with what is arguably his greatest contribution to American cinema; the Star Wars Trilogy (I say trilogy because I don't recognize the subsequent abominations he tried to pass off as being part of the same series). He took what was admittedly, a flawed story of good versus evil, and tried to polish it with lasers and computers. In the end, he only tarnished it and detracted from the simple beauty of a tale that revolved around spaceships, laser-swords, space-apes, and robots.
The sad moral of this is clear, you should not try to mess with the past. Like poking a stick into a still pond, you only stir up mud and obscure the natural beauty that once was.
Oh yeah, and this goes out to George Lucas, if you are going to go back in time and mess with the past, at least make sure that Billy Dee Williams has a bottle of Colt 45 in his hand at all times and in every scene. I mean, seriously, why waste all that technology?

** I wasn't really trying to be serious, I just needed a set up for the pic.
I heard Lucas had some footage of Carrie Fisher doing lines off Jabba's cock. I can't wait for his next director's cut.
not "bottle", "forty"
just trying to help with the cred
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