I might have mentioned that I witnessed an older gentleman working out in just a bathing suit. No shirt, no socks, no shoes, just a pair of red JAMS from 1987. I made a complaint about him to management, but I am pretty sure they did nothing as I had nothing to identify him with other than a raised mole on his back. Somehow word must have gotten back to him because there is no other explanation for what I witnessed next. I was minding my own business on the treadmill when I noticed him lifting in a suit and tie. It actually would have made a good commercial for Today's Man. "Look at my suit. I am able to do kettle ball lifts and my pant's crease is perfect and all for just $299. (Offer does not include shoes)" If he did this to mock my stringent request that he follow gym rules with regards to clothing, I applaud him for his evilness.

For the most part this guy has stayed in proper gym attire since then. Well that was until yesterday. As I walked into the locker room my eyes almost burned out of my head in a similar fashion to what the Nazis experienced in Raider's. The guy in question was buck naked doing sit ups on the floor. It was like I looked directly into the Ark of the Covenant. As he counted out crunches, his cock and balls looked like an elephant trying to eat peanuts and drink water simultaneously. Do I try complaining again? I mean, he did have a towel down at least.
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