I normally don't watch Oprah, in fact, I've never watched Oprah, even when Tom Cruise jumped around like a monkey and she gave everyone a Prius. But now that she's cracked the whole John Edwards extramarital sex story wide open, I can't avoid her any longer. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this (actually, I do know that someone else has noticed this because in doing a google search for pics, I found a similar post on an inferior blog), but Oprah is looking more and more like Thulsa Doom.
You be the judge...


Thulsa Doom


Thulsa Doom
See what I mean?
*In the interest of full disclosure, here's the
other blog post about this fascinating phenomenon:
the flatiron isn't doing anyone any favors.
I believe I could express the relationship mathematically as follows:
Oprah + Gene Simmons = Thulsa Doom
(Man, I miss Spy Magazine)
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