Friday, January 23, 2009


I bet you didn't know that you can correlate depression to comedy. The more depressed you are, the funnier you will be. Just look at the chart below. Pure science. You will notice there is a slight dip in comedy level when you start to get really depressed, but once you cross the valley and accept your depression you will start to be funny again. If you don't believe me, look at some of the funniest comedians that ever lived. Look at Rodney Dangerfield. He suffered through crazy depression yet he made me laugh.

*This chart does not take into account the effects of anxiety or one's height on how funny a person is. Please see chart for that information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Comedy and Depression are incestuous cousins.
I couldn't get thru one day without some form of self-deprecating humor.