Don't ask me why I saw Marley and me. I have no good reason. I walked in really hoping for something similar to
C.H.O.M.P.S. I was sorely disappointed. There was no robot dog*. There was no villain. Hell, I don't even think there was a script. I will give the movie credit for one thing though. I am now more determined than ever to make sure my dog lives forever. Science be damned.

*I am not 100% sure that Owen Wilson's nose was not played by a robot dog.
Marley and Me is for dog people of which you are one. The movie was "cute", the book was marvelous! Suggested reading for sure.
Marley and Me is on TV right now. Why do they not give a warning of impending doom. When it was on in the cinema so many happy children all giggling and smiling and laughing so happy, so at peace and loving. Then, the darkness of Marley's sickness begins. The film desends into a black gulf of grief and hell. The faces on the children. You should have seen them. Lost souls, no expression except one of deep horror as they realise for the first time in their lives that death is real, it is the end and everyone every animal will die and they will be alone. One child tried to scream whilst another, a 10 year old, flung herself on the floor and uttered growls from hell of grief and sadness. This film has destroyed my life. I feel a sense of loss and deep sadness that never goes away. The bowels of hell cannot match the sadness and grief and depression this movie brings. It is hell. It is grief. It is horror beyond words because your life changes from hope and optimism through a cute dog to the horror of illness, old age, pain, death, terminal illness, despair and above all the knowledge that what awaits us is what awaits Marley. Death - sadness - alone - never to see cute puppies or feel love but only a pain worse than the last felt by those with terminal cancer. Marley and Me - it will ruin you life. It ruined mine. Please help me.
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