Monday, December 01, 2008

Live and Die by my posts

My brother just told me that you live or die by how many posts you do so I am contemplating opening up the blog to a couple of guest writers. Give them the keys to the kingdom so to speak.
There is my friend Jake who I would like to write about how being born to a woman in prison shaped everything that has happened to him since. Sort of like the butterfly effect, but with less Ashton Kutcher, but just as much douche. My brother could be another guest writer. He can write about how his lack of cleanliness has caused him to judge the moral fiber of others. After those two I really don't have anyone in mind. For that matter can I trust either of them? Sounds like I would have to do some proof reading. Screw that.

Three posts today!!!


Anonymous said...

You also live or die by commas. Your keyboard may be broken which means it's not your fault that your post which is nearly a paragraph makes no use of the handy grammatical tool which can be used to signal an important pause or separate a sequence of things or even demonstrate a particular writer's style which some readers may or may not appreciate which of course is the point of writing in the first place to develop a voice and have that voice distinguish itself among the many ideas circulating in the blogosphere.

Barry said...

Ehhh. Guess you don't want to be a guest writer,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Anonymous said...

Can I guest write obituaries?

Anonymous said...

Why would you want Lewis to guest write anything?? His comment is proof enough that:
a) he also does not know how and when to use a comma
b) he does not know when to end a sentence

Maybe you should give him the task of writing the longest run- on sentence in the history of any written language.

Anonymous said...


Clearly you didn't get the joke behind my purposefully long sentence. I know English is not your first language but, c'mon!

How was your Genocide Remembrance Day, I mean Thanksgiving?

Anonymous said...

Don't pretend you wrote that to make a point.
All your sentences are muy largo.
Enough to give anyone a dolor de cabeza.
No one wants to read that crap.

I understand the history, but would rather think of it as another eating holiday.


Anonymous said...


Comments like that make me wish Castro had never released you. Boatlift?! More like a tow truck and Richard Simmons.

Anonymous said...

He didn't release me. I escaped. From him AND Richard Simmons (obviously).

Barry said...

Wow - imagine if this was 8 comments by 8 different people. Jhen you can be the blog food critic. Sadly every restaurant will get a thumbs up.

Anonymous said...

Not true, not true.
But I know good food... (and contrary to popular belief, it does not soley consist of deep frying.
Do I have the job???