Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No Credit for Jhen

I have this friend named Jhen.  She is Mexican, not that there is anything wrong with that.  I met her in New York roughly twelve years ago.  She was working as a chamber maid at a Holiday Inn Express that I liked to frequent for the free continental breakfast.  We hit it off right away and have managed to stay friends all these years despite me being a terrible friend, her almost getting deported, and me moving away.  We don't talk that much these days (mostly because Jhen has a burner phone), but once a year, four days before her birthday, she flies to LA to hang out.  She normally stays with me and we spend the entire time eating like two orphans who just got adopted.  On the second day of her stay I ask her when her birthday is and she tells me it is right after she goes home.  I of course completely forget and never wish her a happy birthday.  One would think she would get upset but she takes it all in stride.   This year though she threw a giant wrench in the plan and I don't think our friendship will ever recover.

Jhen had the nerve to bring a Chinese friend with her on the trip and worse than that, she didn't even stay with me.  Jhen and the china girl stayed with yet another friend.  Instead of us having our normal pig fest, followed by nap fest,  I had to actually schedule time to hang out with her. It was terrible.  All we had was one lousy lunch.  Now at that lunch she did pack away a patty melt and a waffle which was impressive, but I'm still mad.  I had a salad in protest of her betrayal.  Here's a picture from the five seconds we hung out.  Maybe she will get it right next year.  Until then I'm fuming.

1 comment:

jhenefer said...

a) at least I picked up the tab for lunch

b) only you participate in nap fest (I proceed to raid your fridge while you are in the food induced coma I tricked you in to)

c) point A actually means not only did I not get wished a happy birthday, I paid for my own "birthday" lunch.