Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Worst Dog Owner Ever

One thing I am going to really miss about my current job is the fact that my office allows animals. You can bring cats, gerbils, lions, tigers, lemurs, frogs, birds, ants, ant eaters, goats, lizards, leaches, and even dogs. I bring my dog with me every day. It gives him a sense of purpose. He comes to the office, lays down, eats out of my trash on occasion, and generally feels good about himself. Yesterday I got up from my desk to take him for a walk and it literally took me walking a block away from the office to realize I left him tied to my desk. How pathetic is it that I went to walk my dog and actually forgot him? I did end up buying a few lotto tickets and having a beer at the local liquor store so I think I deserve a pass. Think how awesome my dog's life is going to be when I win the lotto. He will get to do whatever he wants. Lay around all day, eat out of the trash. Oh, wait...

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