Thursday, September 22, 2011

First Impressions

Last night I attended the first session of the Sitcom Writing class I signed up for when I still had a job, but just felt like bettering myself. Now I plan to attend in the hopes of not being unemployed. That's not really the point though. I just wanted to give everyone a background of how I show up to a first class now that I am a 35 year old adult and not an 18 year old juvenile college student. The first thing I did to prepare for my class was drink a six pack of beer. Now don't get all upset that I got drunk and drove to class. I started drinking it at noon and didn't finish until 6:45pm. Very responsible.

So while I was drinking I realized I needed to eat something before class so I went to Typhoon with one of my soon to be ex co-workers. Typhoon is an excellent restaurant but there is something you need to know about the place. Even if you don't eat there but just walk past the front door, you need to strip all your clothes off as soon as you get home because you are going to stink like Chinese/Filipino BO. I am not sure what it is because the place smells great, but the food has a stench that just sticks to your clothes. I was there for an hour so you can imagine how bad I stank. It was like I bathed in Mongolian beef.

At about 6:45 I realized I needed to get out the door because class started at 7:00 and it was across town. I won't name my co-worker, but I will say she was pushing hard for me to skip the first class. Something about how the teacher would only give out the syllabus and really is there any chance of me bettering myself anyway? I did not give in to her peer pressure. I hopped in my car and drove across town as fast I could (car started to over heat, but that is another story). I finally got to UCLA at 7:25. I ran to class, stopping to piss once or was it twice?

I walked in the room, covered in eyebrow sweat, as the teacher was going over what would be covered in the course of ten weeks. All I heard was, "You'll be rich!!!!" I sat down in one of the only empty seats, kinda crammed between this guy and girl when I realized, damn I stink. I stunk of beer and Asian fusion. I cringed as I thought what the students were thinking. One of them had to think I was homeless and just auditing.

Anyway, even though I stank and probably will have no friends in the class, I enjoyed it. The teacher seemed cool and even if he didn't say it I figure by the end of the ten weeks I will have an agent and a spec script ready to sell. Either that or I will have four hundred less in my pocket. On a good note I was told to write everyday so expect lots of blog posts.

For those who care, I am writing my spec script on Always Sunny. For the next week I must study every episode.

1 comment:

Jake said...

"or I will have four hundred less in my pocket"? Hate to break it to you, but you already have $400 less in your pocket.

-save me a co-writer credit