Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just In Case the Stimulus Plan Doesn't Work...

I believe in Obama, I think he has the ability to unite this country and return us to the correct path. I support his stimulus package.

That said, I was thinking the other day about what I would do in the event that things didn't work out, what would happen if the shit really hit? And by that, I don't mean double digit unemployment, lost decades, or massive deflation. I'm talking about stabbing people for fresh water, eating shoe leather for its nutritional value, and bartering for gasoline. I'm talking about THUNDERDOME!!!

Now, having grown up in a comfortable suburb in one of the wealthiest nations during its most prosperous years, I don't have many of the tools necessary for survival in a post apocalyptic wasteland. So here's my plan:

First I need a glue gun....

I think Target's selling them for $9.99,

Then I need some football pads...

A couple feathers from an arts & crafts store....

And voila, I'll fit right in....

So if things don't work out with the bail out, and you see this dude at the local Exxon station, don't freak out, its just me doing my part, trying to adapt to the changing times.

Damn, I hope the bail out works....


Randy Sexer said...

Can I be the other guy in the pic?

I already own the outfit!

Barry said...

Jake wrote this. I will have no anonymous posts!

Jake said...

Randy, thanks for the interest, but in Thunderdome it's every man for himself.

Anonymous said...

I love that pic!!!