Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'd buy that for a dollar

Sure the economy is failing, but you need to look at the bright side. As each auto company lays off more and more people, Detriot is becoming more dystopic and crime ridden. See where I am going with this? With this increase in crime, and the advancements in modern technology, there is really only one solution. Somebody call Peter Weller's agent. I honestly think we could make Robocop a reality. Let's look at what we need:
Peter Weller - Being a robot cyborg has to be better than doing dinner theater in the Valley
Roll of Tin Foil - It's bullet proof right?
1986 Ford Taurus - The world's most ideal police car. Will start looking on Craig's List in a few.
Cap Gun - No way I am trusting Peter Weller with a real gun. Can you even buy cap guns anymore?
Kurtwood Smith - We need a villian. This might be tough. I think he actually works.

I promise the citizens of Detriot, that when things seem to be at their worst, at least my Robocop won't have a purple tinge like the suit had in part 2. That was just lame.


Anonymous said...


Barry said...

Thank you!!
We could always get the guy who played robocop in the third movie or hell wasn't there a tv show? I say it like I wasn't home watching it.

Anonymous said...

"Ne- ne ne ne ne ne ne,

ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne ne

ne ne ne ne ne ne"


off goes the hand