Saturday, April 12, 2008

Single White Male

I know this guy in LA for about five years now. Over that time I would say we have become good friends. We share many of the same interests. Cars, complaining, eating ,etc. For the most part I would say there is nothing odd about our relationship. Oh wait, did I mention that short of removing my skin he has a knack for trying to be me? It started with clothes. I would buy a sweatshirt, and low and behold, he would buy a sweatshirt. I would begin wearing nothing but Chuck Taylor's and suddenly he would have nothing but Converse as well. But wait, it gets better. It is not enough for him to want to be me, he must also do it in a slightly cheaper way, or as he puts it, "the better value". He came over my home and saw a new Luke Chueh painting I bought and said, "I will get one too, but I will print mine off his website. It will cost pennies compared to yours." He saw that I had a Rolex, and then decided he would build his own out of salvaged Rolex parts. Not sure where he is with that plan. None of this really bothered me until he took it too far. He has now decided he will have his own version of Barry Rides. This means war. You can copy my lack of style, my eating habits, my car, my watch, etc, but you cannot steal my blog.

I have no fear though, that much like a Hong Kong Rolex, everyone will be able to tell the original from the fake.

Check it out:
The Barry Rides 2 March of the Wooden Soldier
The war is on!!!

***Image from Single White Female was for sensationalism only. It is not an additional act of war.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but your competitor is pretty darn funny!