Saturday, April 12, 2008

Just a good old boy

I am at a traffic light on Wilshire today when I notice a Confederate Flag in the back window of a pickup truck. I give the truck a once over to see an NRA sticker, and a license plate that says PBR 01 (assuming pabst blue ribbon). I am sitting there laughing to myself, thinking about the red neck that has to be driving the truck. The light changes and I pull along side the guy. To my shock and possible horror, I see that the driver is a black man (is it okay to say black man?), wearing a cowboy hat.

Could it be possible that he didn't know he was black? Has anyone seen Chappelle's Show where Dave Chappelle plays a blind Klans man who doesn't know he is black? Brilliant!!

***Video removed***

1 comment:

COL said...

its one of my chappelle show faves