Craigslist is a really funny website. It is the only place I know of where you can arrange no strings attached anal sex and buy a used refrigerator; sometimes from the same person. If I am looking for someone to be the recipient of a Dirty Sanchez or a Golden Shower I never think twice about the respectability of whom I will find on craigslist. It is only after I bring cash into the equation that I start to think about being murdered. Since my Cleveland steamers are always free, I am obviously talking about when I am buying or selling items of value on craigslist. For the most part all things bought or sold are done in person, hence the local community aspect.

My last post was all about the funny emails I got in response to my ad for a used Apple Powerbook. I got offered everything short of the money I was actually asking for. Hell, if only I had a child who needed clarinet lessons. That trade really seemed like a good deal. I ended up selling the laptop for full price mind you, but in order to do so I had to let a total stranger into my home. When the guy called to discuss the transaction we talked about the computer for a few minutes before I said half jokingly, "You aren't a serial killer, right? I mean people know you're coming over." He laughed and said he would be over in an hour. This is where it gets amazing. I am standing out front when he pulls up in his late model Saab. The guy has a head full of dreads, a beard, and a sweet sleeveless shirt. He got out of the car carrying a brief case. What's in the brief case? Knives? Apple diagnostic discs? I wasn't sure what to think. Is he going to murder me or argue with me about who the best keyboard player was in the Grateful Dead? I would actually have preferred murder to the latter conversation. Luckily he was just this really cool guy who calls himself the tech-nomadic video blogger. Apparently he has been driving around the country for years in a solar RV breaking beats. He is my new hero. I could learn a lot from this guy. Video blogging is the future. Thank you craigslist. The best part is that according to his site he is looking for people to join his crew.
My brother always says I should network. I am so hitting this guy up to be my mentor. At the very least maybe he can teach me to break it down.
Check out his site and blog. You won't be disappointed.
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