Ring. . .Ring. . .Ring
Barry: Hello
Phil: Dude, I am in my car and I just pulled up next to Peter Dinkladge. He's driving a blue Kia.
Barry: Bullshit
Phil: I swear
Barry: Take a picture
Phil: Okay, hold on. (fumbling sound) Dude, I can't get the photo it is too dark, but I am sure it was him. Why else would he be freaked out that I was staring at him.
Barry: Could it be the fact he was some random midget and you were trying to take his photo at a traffic light.
Phil: Yeah maybe that was it. I am still sure it was him.
Barry: Sure it was.

Isn't he the manny on Nip/Tuck? He skeeves me out. Blah, short people.
Who the hell is Peter Dinkladge?!
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