Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Writer's Bathroom

The other day I was talking to a two year old who happened to be sitting on a toilet (not at all creepy out of context) and I asked her to come up with her two best sitcom ideas. She cocked her head, grunted, and the next thing I heard was a splash.

Two Year Old
Oooooooooooh, I just made a little poop.

Good job.

Two Year Old (while grunting)
Let me make it bigger.

PLOP!!! - Not sure how to put sound effects into dialogue.

Two Year Old
I made it a friend!

I like where you are going with this.

I have no intention of giving her a writer's credit.


slb said...

Am I crazy to let you know the kid's poop is kind of in the shape of a tattoo I have on my back side?

Anonymous said...

Goddamn, when was the last time this kid took a crap? That looks like a week's worth of dog treats.

Anonymous said...

Just shared this dialogue with my father. Who is now looking slightly green. Thank you!!! - A friend's sister.