Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Vaginal Cream Pen

There is nothing better than going to a meeting with a client, trying to act like you care about your job, taking clear and concise notes, only to realize that the pen you are holding has the word 'vaginal' written in huge letters down its side. Sadly, it isn't one of those pens that you turn upside down to show a girl's boobies. It is a pen that was obviously stolen from a doctor's office. My pen that writes so well is a trinket from the makers of Clindesse better known as (clindamycin phosphate) vaginal cream 2%. It is now my favorite pen.


COL said...

stay classy san diego.

Anonymous said...

I know how it is. I really love the way the pens write from the Beverly Hills Hotel so when the check comes I take the receipt and the pen! The better value.