Somehow during her stay the conversation lead to stray body hair. A chin hair here, a toe hair there! All things I just didn't want to hear about, until of course the conversation turned to her mom's bush. Jhen felt comfortable enough in my presence to reminisce about going to the beach in the 80s with her mom. Her mom insisted on two things; wearing a bikini, and not having a bikini wax. Her mom was proud of her ginormous bush. The further down the leg it went the more feminine she was. I listened in horror as she told the story. All I could do was act like I was the therapist and she was the molested child. I drew a picture and asked Jhen to add the pubic hair. I promised no one would hurt her again.
"Jhen, show me what the bush looked like."
Here is the drawing I did. Jhen added the pubic hair. Later her brother confirmed the story. At least I think he did. All he said was "Dang girl, you told them about mom's pubes! I am still scarred!"

More about Jhen's visit coming soon!
Jhen came to visit and you did not let us meet? You trying to keep your bitches from finding out about each other? Reeeaaalll nice.
Remember, the apple does not fall far from the tree ... Sorry Jhne
LOL... unfortunately the truth is I learned what was right a little later in life... to which of course I blame my mom. But I handle my business now. Amen.
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