"Can I help you man?"
"Ugh. . . do you have any good paint for rust?"
"No. You need to get your ass out of here and try Home Depot."
"Sorry to disturb you. It won't happen again."
"Damn straight it won't happen again."
Okay none of that was said, but there might have been some awkward stares. Who knew there was a store where you could buy nothing but supplies for vandalism, I mean art. They had everything from vintage enamels to different nozzles so you could get your tag perfect. Told you I was down. I really have to plug the store. It fucking rocked. I may even go back one day. Of course I am going to have to take some of those tanning pills C. Thomas Howell took in Soul Man beforehand.
Check out the store. 33third
Oh and check out Jhen's friend's art. He is pretty talented for a black guy. Lesean Thomas
On a final note I must curse Jhen for making me go to Roscoe's for chicken and waffles. My bowels are more broken than my brain.

Jhen, thanks for the visit.
Seriously? I feel fine after eating there--I love it! Must be my I-talian roots. Closer to the “people” than your pasty skin. I can't believe you went w/o me--did you get a side of Mac & Cheese? To die for.
feel free to come through the store any time... we didn't think you were that white... ha.
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