Friday, February 25, 2011

Can't we just call it One and a Half Men?

As I type this, Jon Cryer is literally crying in a darkened room. Previously known as a poor-man's Matthew Broderick, until recently John Cryer's career could be summed up by his most notable role; playing the guy that was even less-appealing than Andrew McCarthy.

So while all the gossip pages are focusing on the nuclear crater that is Charley Sheen, everyone seems to have forgotten about the real victim here, Jonathan Niven Cryer. Poor bastard, just when things were looking up too....


COL said...

jon is more than well off financially. i also think he'll have no troubs finding roles.

Jake said...

It's funny, your comment is exactly the opposite of what Debbie Downer would say if this were a SNL sketch, but it had precisely the same effect.

*cue the 'whaaa whaaa whaaaaa" horn sound...

COL said...

i try
