Tuesday, January 04, 2011

How to lose a guy in ten days

Today a blogger friend came to me on bended knee and begged me to give her advice on how to break up with her boyfriend. She was previously smitten but now of course hates his guts. When she told me she was going on vacation tomorrow, but would see him one last time tonight, my advice was to let him throw it in one more time and dump him when she got back. Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow? On a serious note, she got me thinking, how can a girl ditch a guy that she no longer wants to make sweet coitus with? We here at the Barry Rides have decided to do five minutes of research and report back to all you hapless women on how to ditch your losers to get with heroes. Over the next ten days we plan to give you a new idea daily until our grand finale that may or may not involve Hormel Chili. So without further adieu, method one:

Hang a framed picture of Wesley Snipes from Demolition Man above your bed. Make no mention of it. If asked, say it has been there the whole time and dump him instantly for being so unobservant.

Your Welcome!

More tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You lost me at 'blogger friend'