Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Shame for the Barry Rides

Today a friend told me she was setting up a blog to keep track of life lessons for her daughter. Something about don't swallow on the first date, never let him see your prescription for Herpicin, and if he is asleep his wallet is fair game. I helped her navigate her way through blogger since I am kinda a big deal at Blogger headquarters and guess how does she repay me. She tells me that under no circumstances will her wholesome life lesson blog be linked to The Barry Rides. It was like she removed her glove and slapped me across the face with it. I haven't been this hurt since I got my anus bleached. I don't understand what could be wrong with linking The Barry Rides to a blog about life lessons for little girls. I mean seriously my feelings are hurt. If I wasn't drunk I would cry.


Anonymous said...

You look good in that picture.

Randy Sexer said...

The Crying Dawson should be hung in the Smithsonian