Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lost 17 pounds and I don't have cancer or AIDs.. yet

So I was at the doctor today when she (Yes, I said she. I know, crazy right? Like a woman could actually go to med school. That is just silly.) tells me that I have lost seventeen pounds in the last year. I am pretty sure my fitness level has now made me invincible. As the female doctor handed me my presidential fitness award I got a bit teary. When I was nine doing those flexed arm hangs in gym class I dreamed of this day. I am just a bit sad that President Regan wasn't with us to give me the award himself.

I have been working out more than usual but I can't take all the credit, a lot of it has to do with Jenny Craig, throwing up and snorting creatine. Without it I would still be fat.


Randy Sexer said...

I'm sure President Regan would be proud that you have been been working out more than usual

Barry said...

So I added in a few extra words. Glad you have the time to critique my blog since you don't have time to write.

Randy Sexer said...

Jesus man I just put one up like last Easter sunday

Anonymous said...

You spelled President Reagan wrong.