Yeah, you. The person reading this. You wanna know why? Because you never leave any goddamn comments. Scroll down and look at the sidebar and you'll find a Sitemeter thing that displays our daily traffic. Yeah that's right, 4,900+.
So I fail to understand why, despite the fact that we gain new readers every single day (don't believe me? check the sitemeter tomorrow and there will be at least 7 or 8 more than we had today), almost all of you refuse to show your appreciation by commenting. The only people who leave comments are myself, Jake, Barry, and Barry's brother Louis. This is bullshit and must end. If you fags won't cooperate, I'll fucking MAKE you.
I don't get it
It is Lewis not Louis.
Me, me, me, how pathetic. ..
Anonymous -- I like your style
There. I mentioned it.
I stumbled upon this site by accident, and its complete BS between maybe three people total. The site meter displays TOTAL traffic, not per day. Keep going if you enjoy it, but you should just shut this down. Sad.
Anonymous really needs to die a slow painful death like me.
Most of the world will be using a smartphone to watch videos and access news in five years’ time and almost two in three dollars set to be spent globally on internet services will be for mobile access not fixed line, says research published this week.
Some terrifying news out of Germany:Robot grabs man, kills him in German car factory;
The robot is usually programmed by humans to perform discrete tasks in the assembly process, but this time, something went wrong. A second factory worker was in the area when the incident occurred and was unharmed.
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