Friday, December 04, 2009

Freedom isn't free, but Lewis is willing to pay your share

When I am driving and I see a black man crossing the street do I pray that my doors are locked? Absolutely!
When I see a gay man shopping at Macy's, do I instinctively want to run out of the store because I assume he wants to rape me? Yep!
When I see a Puerto Rican man smiling, do I assume he just came from a wilding? Come on. You know the answer.

The point I am trying to make other than a gay black Puerto Rican scares me is that I might have these thoughts, but I rarely act on them. That is where my brother the American comes in. He is doing the job we are too scared to do. Recently he pulled into the parking garage of his over priced gym to find a Muslim man kneeling on a mat facing Mecca chanting something in tongues. He was given a hard choice as he got out of his Mercedes. Does he go workout and ignore the religious man or does he call security to report the terrorist who just planted a bomb and then work out. I think we all know that Lewis made the right choice.

I am not exactly sure what happened next as my brother was running an 8 minute mile but I would like to believe I am safe right now because of his diligence.


Randy Sexer said...

This post is blatantly racist against Islam.

And honestly I'm offended by the photograph depicting peaceful Muslims being buttfucked by four invisible George W. Bush's giving a thumbs up. Sike I like it.

Lewis said...

Technically, I was a running a 7-minute, 30 second mile

Anonymous said...

He didn't want to call security but he felt he owed it to him.