Reason 1: If you are John Philips, who from what I have been told by the interweb was at one point a famous rock musician at a time when condom was a bad word and sex with groupies bareback was the right thing to do, would incest ever cross your mind? I don't think so. In fact I know so. It doesn't make sense.
Reason 2: Let's take John Philips out of the equation for a second. Why would any man in his right mind want to have sex with Mackenzie Phillips anyway? Maybe I would have done it in 1979 because she was on TV and I was four years old, but that would have been purely for the story. She kind of reminds me of the crack whore in Boys N the Hood only she aint acting.
Reason 3: Assuming John Philips is so deranged that he doesn't want to have sex with tons of random chicks and really wants to bang his daughter, would Mackenzie be the first choice? Hell no! I am thinking I would have started with Chynna and ended with Bijou before the cuffs were on. The defense rests.

Case dismissed!!!!!!
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