Barry: Mr Winkler, first let me say I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me regarding such a personal matter. Do you mind if I record our conversation?
Henry: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Barry: Let's just throw it on the table. Are you indeed Arthur "The Fonz" Fonzarelli?
Henry: I guess it has been long enough. Yes I am "The Fonz". (Waitresses at Johnny Rockets start singing American Pie)
Barry: What made you run away from the Cunninghams, your life, Chachi?
Henry: Before computers it was easy to get away with stuff. I was running one of the biggest gambling rings in the state of Wisconsin from the bathroom of Al's diner. I started off by taking bets, but before I knew it I was selling pot to Ralph Malph and alcohol to Arnold. Drugs and booze led me to shooting Pinky Tuscadero just to watch her die.
Barry: And that made you run?
Henry: Aaaaaay, you know, that and I owed the Cunningham's six months back rent.
Barry: How did you end up in LA as an actor?
Henry: I was walking by an open casting call for the movie Night Shift. I just kind of fell into it.
Barry: So now that you have been outed what do you plan to do?
Henry snapped his fingers, and before I could blink he was gone. Later that night I realized my tape recorder was blank. Fonzie you still got it.

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