Friday, April 24, 2009

G.I.Joe Resolute

I haven't gotten the type of reaction I was hoping for with regards to the new G.I.Joe cartoon. Do you not realize how awesome it is? What if I told you the weather dominator was part of the story line? It isn't but who cares. Listen, after school today, if we ride fast we can get to my house before it starts. My mom just got a container of Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip.

* Col bought me my first G.I.Joe figure as a childhood birthday present (Hawk with the mobile missle system.)


Randy Sexer said...

Zartan was the best.

Barry said...

watch it for Zartan in all his glory

Randy Sexer said...

No shit, he gets naked? Can his thing change colors? On that note, is the title of your last GI Joe post a reference to my "SERPENTOR" tattoo?

Aunt Ruthie said...

My favorite Cobra villain was Jew, a usurious banker who tried to rule the world.